I have been very busy with organizing an exhibition in the last months. It has been on my bucket list for a long time. My first solo exhibition was organized when I was 15 years old. Now it is kind of perfect timing for a new exhibition shortly before I turn 50 years old, don’t you also think? But you are here to read more about my doll making journey, aren’t you? Thus I leave the art subject aside and introduce you this lovely young lady. Marlowe is one of my petite girls. She is app. 14...
Der kleine Wassermann
The Little Water-Sprite One of the German classics "Der kleine Wassermann". I don't know how often we read this book to our children. The book we have is from my mother-in-laws childhood. Her parents read the book to her and her siblings, she read it to her kids and now we are reading it to our children. That's to say this tale belongs to the family history. Who else knows this story? Is it also one of your children's favorite? Or is it a kind of 'Waldorf Family' book? I always wanted to make a...
Merry Christmas!
This year is coming to an end, and the door to the new universe of 2024 will be opened soon. December is always a busy month for a doll maker. I make so many little dolls for children in this one month, more than all the dolls I make during the complete year. I usually do not post the pictures of my children toys, as I try to keep my social media accounts available for my collector dolls. But without the dolls intended for children, the magic of Christmas would be not complete. It is as it is:...
I know the ancient story of Daphne is not the happiest one, yet my Daphne has nothing to do with the mythological figure. She is the happiness in doll form. A calm, warm kind of happiness which is always there, and you carry with you without even recognizing. We have a very early snow this year. Already in November it snowed, the temperatures are already below 0 C° and it is literally freezing outside. Still, Daphne reminds me the sunny Aegean coast with all its scents and sounds, in a warm...
Doll Making Workshop
The workshop this weekend was a bliss! I enjoyed every single moment. It was a lot of fun working together with these talented and funny ladies who traveled from far away to join me. Having a hobby which connects you to like-minded people from all over the world is pure luck! Thank you ladies for these joyful moments! If you missed the chance to join this time, the next workshop is already planned on 1 & 2 of June 2024. You can find more information here. Hope to meeting some of you in...
Family picture
Just a friendly reminder for how hard it will be to take a family picture on Thanksgiving. 😁 It is never the right light for everyone, someone looks always somewhere else than to the camera, one will stay too far to the side, the other will be hidden in the back... We took an early family picture this morning with the rising sun, as we don't have much sun here anymore. And yep, my birthday banner is still hanging in the background... 😀 Thank you for your your love and support. You cannot...
Nolwenn, the little Breton
I have been working on several dolls simultaneously in the last months. The dolls were finished, but the hairs, clothes, shoes have been changing their minds often. May be stars were in a challenging constellation for me to make decision, or may be it was just as it has always been: a doll needs its time to get ready to open its eyes to the world. There is a saying in German: "Good thing takes its time!" May be the challenge for me is to learn to accept it. There is no rush, and you cannot...
Juliette: a fiery and dreamy red head
The days are getting short so fast. Around the end of October, I realize we live on the very northern part of the world. The day light is getting to be a precious gift. October prepares us to the times where we will rest and contemplate. It helps us to see the things in a new light. May be because I am an October born, for me there would never be enough Octobers in a year. Today I saw Juliette in the shy and loving October light. And her face warmed my heart. Happy to share her beauty with you...
June is a 45 cm /17,5" tall fully movable girl. She can sit and stand freely. With a little patience, you can balance her into different poses to take beautiful pictures. Due to the armature within, she can rotate her head towards any direction, while she can bend her neck. Her arms are hand sewn to the shoulders. Her legs and ankles are bendable. Her legs are attached with special joints to the hips. Her skin is made with organic doll making fabric in a sun-kissed tone. She is completely...
New Doll Workshop in Berlin
This time it has been a long summer holiday break. It was well deserved and long waited family time. We were mostly away from the civilization, in solitude of our small family. That's why it took me a long while getting adapted to the 'normal' life :) even though, I missed my atelier very much. All those tiny heads, and bodies have been waiting for me, to be finished. Before starting to finish all the dolls, which I had started before the summer break, I decided to plan a new workshop. It will...

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