I have been working on several dolls simultaneously in the last months. The dolls were finished, but the hairs, clothes, shoes have been changing their minds often. May be stars were in a challenging constellation for me to make decision, or may be it was just as it has always been: a doll needs its time to get ready to open its eyes to the world. There is a saying in German: "Good thing takes its time!" May be the challenge for me is to learn to accept it. There is no rush, and you cannot force things to happen.
Thus, the project I started with this year, making dolls for each month and naming them resembling the month's name in which they were born, didn't last till the end. Although the dolls were born during several months, I still try to give them names in this pattern, if I could find a name fitting to their personalities.
This young lady is called Nolwenn, looks like a friend of my daughter. One of my followers claimed , she (somehow like all my dolls) looks like me. :) Very special compliment. Although my
daughter claims that they all look like her - and she coincidentally looks like me ;) ... Whomever Nolwenn looks like, she looks lovely, don't you think?

Nolwenn is one of my petite girls. She is app. 13 inches (33 cm) tall, has a slender body. I used a very tiny armature, hidden beneath several layers of wool, to enable her to move her head naturally (and elegantly :) ).
Her head and complete body are needle felted, her arms and legs are attached with hand stitches to the torso. Her long brown hair is made with mohair locks, and can be combed and styled easily.
She looks through her beautiful night blue eyes, which I embroidered with cotton yarn.

She comes with a linen dress in different shades of brown, a light pink tulle underskirt and a hand knitted mohair dress. She wears an adorable pair of leather boots in a fitting color. When she have them on, she can stand without support. With a little patience you can take beautiful pictures of Nolwenn, standing or sitting.
If you think this calm spirit could be the right one to join your family, please contact me at loulabee@gmx.de
Thank you for following my dolls, giving them the love they need, coming here and read their stories, and supporting me to live from that what I love to do.
I am honestly grateful for your appreciation and love.
Update: Nolwenn has found a loving home.
Thank you.

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