Some delights have been gathering on my table recently. May I please introduce you the new girls on the block: The "Berlin Delights".
Many thanks to my dear friend Julia von Kowalke for giving them the best fitting name.
These girls are made with my new pattern for 30 cm tall dolls. Their heads are sculpted with needle felting technique. They can tilt their heads to the sides. I used Gots certified organic doll making fabric for their skin. They all are stuffed with pure wool. They have tiny bums, articulated knees and dimples on their back. They can sit and stand with support. Their hair are made with different sort of animal fibers, teeswater, alpaca or mohair.
The first three are finished, but there will be surely more from this pattern.
Update: Anouk, Amal and Ava are all adopted.
I start taking custom orders for the next year for Berlin Delights. If you wish to have a special Berlin Delight please contact me at, as soon as possible, as I will only be offering limited amount of custom made dolls.



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