It is already the time to announce the next years doll making workshops at the European Waldorf Doll Seminar in 2020. This event takes place every second year, bringing hundreds of doll makers from all over the world together.
Next year I will be there again, and offer couple of classes.
I have been into needle felting the dolls' heads for a while now. I also started needle felting the body and the limbs, which gives me more possibilities in exploring the body forms.
I thought this might be also interesting for other doll makers who are keen to refine their skills in doll making and explore the possibilities of working with wool and needle.
Thus I will be offering two different classes in sculptural needle felting. The first one will concentrate on sculpting the head, and the second workshop will be on sculpting the torso and the limbs. Each of the the two classes will take two sessions, a complete day.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to ask me.
Update 1: All classes are already full. You are welcome to add your name to the waiting list by sending me a mail to loulabee@gmx.de
Update 2: The EWDOR is cancelled to June 2021 due to the Covid Pandemic.
Update 3: I am very sorry to announce that EWDOR is completely cancelled due to the ongoing pandemic. Let's hope all together that this will end soon, and we can meet in a new organisation in 2022.
Write a comment
Chiara SIMONINI (Saturday, 18 January 2020 11:13)
Hello Gonca, I just discovered the EWD retreat and am looking at the workshops, could you tell me how tall the doll you are making is, and weather the hear in one workshop and body in the other are for the same doll (although I assume they are)? Thank you. This is such a fantastic initiative! Chiara
Loulabee (Saturday, 18 January 2020 17:51)
Dear Chiara,
Thank you for your kind words.
Could you please send me an email to loulabee@gmx.de. Then I can send you all the information you need.
The doll is 35-38 cm tall. And the head of the workshop nr1 fit to the body of the second workshop :)
Elena (Friday, 27 November 2020 12:47)
I Wars wondering when the next retreat will be and if is there any possibility that can happen online..thanks!
Loulabee (Friday, 27 November 2020 15:47)
Hi Elena,
unfortunately the retreat in 2020 and 2021 is cancelled due to Covid. We don't know yet when the next one will be.
The retreat does not happen online, because it is all about coming together.
I do not offer online classes either. But hopefully next year some workshops. If you want to be in the newsletter for the information, please sen me your email address to loulabee@gmx.de
Sending best wishes from Berlin