Ice queen part 2

My mother in law was visiting us yesterday evening. Somehow we started to talk about my dolls, and she mentioned the "Ice Queen" for an example:
-The doll you made last year for your daughter. The one with the white hair ...
My daughter who was sitting with us, and of course listening everything, interrupted her.
-Which one?
-The one you got for Christmas last year, the fairy with the wing
-I don't know which one you mean? (Somewhat irritated)
I intervened a bit surprised that she could not remember, as she does not have so many dolls :
-The Ice Queen.
She turned to her grandma really surprised and even more irritated:
-That one?!!! Santa made it for me, not mom!
We both adults, a bit ashamed and surprised, feeling guilty ....
-Ahhh true, you are right!!! It's good you mention it. Grandma didn't know that! 😀
This year for Christmas, I had to sew her new dresses, since the beautiful dress from last year was too delicate for a little child of her age and didn't last for a long time.
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